Curtis Szmania - Turning Complexity into Clarity-image

Turning Complexity into Clarity

Curtis Szmania is Founder & CEO of CytoCync, a HealthTech software company in the Seattle, Washington area. CytoCync offers the world's first productized software service, transforming health software development into a simple monthly subscription.

An experienced hands-on entrepreneur and technologist dedicated to bringing technology to the health industry.

Growing up in a healthcare-focused family of corpsmen and nurses, Curtis has been engulfed within the health sector since his youth. This has allowed him to build a unique perspective and take note of the inefficiencies throughout. With this perspective he has been at the forefront of some of the most advanced technologies and worked with some of the largest companies in the space, where he's been able to unravel the over complicated by using technology.

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About Curtis Szmania

Curtis, Founder & CEO of CytoCync, is a dynamic entrepreneur and engineer with over 18 years of experience across various industries, particularly in HealthTech. His hands-on engineering expertise has been instrumental in transforming client visions into reality and delivering products used by hundreds of millions of users. Curtis excels in strategically aligning engineering goals with company visions while collaborating with product stakeholders to visualize and execute product delivery. His approach leverages modern communication techniques and emphasizes a balance between serving and leading. Curtis's innovative methods drives positive transformation within the Health sector empowering team leaders to enhance teamwork and boost productivity.

  • Location:Seattle, WA
  • Role:Founder, CEO and Engineer

The greatest wealth is health.

-- Virgil (Roman poet)

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

-- Albert Einstein

It is your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny.

-- Tony Robbins (American author)

Curtis Szmania - about-me-image

It was imperative that Curtis be both a positive customer influence and that he be a strong technical leader... Curtis did an outstanding job managing all these parameters and became a well rounded and trusted technical advisor.

-- Dan B. (VP of Enterprise Solutions at ProKarma)

Curtis Szmania - about-me-image

During my time working with Curtis, he has worked on key products and initiatives... He combines intelligence with innovation, and this ultimately makes him a key asset for any program.

-- John H. (VP of Program Management at Apkudo)

Curtis Szmania - about-me-image

Curtis is a natural leader, he is always ready to help the team in dire need and always encouraged the team to strive for the best.

-- Ankit P. (Senior Software Engineer at Cambia Health Solutions)

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